YG Financial Services
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Complaint Disclosure

We are always looking for ways to improve our service to you. If something has gone wrong, we want to know.

Complaints and Disputes Process

If you are not fully satisfied with our services, please contact your financial adviser who will try to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction.

You can also make a complaint to support@folio.insure or by completing this form https://www.folio.insure/contact-support

When we receive a complaint, we will review it by following our internal complaints process:

  • We will review your complaint and let you know how we intend to resolve it. We may need to contact you to get further information about your complaint.
  • We aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days of receiving them. If we can’t, we will contact you within that time to let you know we need more time to consider your complaint.
  • We will contact you by phone or email to let you know whether we can resolve your complaint and how we propose to do so.

If we can’t resolve your complaint within 20 working days, or if you aren’t satisfied with the way we propose to do so, you can contact the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsmen Scheme of which we are registered members of. The Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsmen Scheme provides a free, independent dispute resolution service that may help investigate or resolve your complaint, if we haven’t been able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction.

You can contact Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsmen Scheme by completing this form https://www.ifso.nz/make-a-complaint, emailing info@ifso.nz, or by calling: 0800 888 202.

Our Clients’ Experiences

Xuan Tang
Xuan Tang
Very professional and excellent service. Highly recommended.
Ruby Wei
Ruby Wei
YGFS has provided us with their professional advice and services. Absolutely fantastic team to recommend to someone who need a professional team for their insurance 👌👍
Winnie Wang
Winnie Wang
YG Insurance has provided me with excellent service and peace of mind. Their customer support is outstanding, guiding me through the enrollment process and addressing all my concerns. Highly recommended!
Tiffany Yee
Tiffany Yee
Yang is the insurance superhero for sure! You will never go wrong with him, super knowledgeable and professional, highly recommended.
Sophia Su
Sophia Su
Absolutely deserve 5 star thumb up! Always friendly, reliable and available. Yang takes takes his time, answering all my tricky questions, being patient and thorough. Really appreciate that I am able to find such a company that takes care of myself and all of my concerns towards ever aspect of my life! Definitely will recon to friends and colleagues~~
Excellent customer services, professional explanations through out different financial products, made the complications so easy for us. From the insurance to Kiwi saver, we would certainly recommend Yg to others!
Michael L
Michael L
Very knowledgeable, understanding and works with you to find the right cover to ensure it meets your needs. I would highly recommend Yang's services!
Tracy cao
Tracy cao
Yang is a very experienced insurance advisor, he has a wide range of insurance service skills both for personal and business. Highly recommended Yang and his team!
YuLong Ning
YuLong Ning
Mr. Gu Yang was a very professional and outstanding insurance financier. He took care of what we thought and tried his best to meet our needs. At the lowest price and the best quality service, we felt the power of professionalism. Before we met YG team, we had also commissioned several other insurance financiers, but most of them were mainly for the benefit, and did not put the customer situation first, thanks to Gu Yang and his team. Highly recommended to everyone
Gratia Gu
Gratia Gu
Highly recommended! Gu Yang gave me the most professional advice for my Kiwi Saver. And Personal insurance.
© YG Financial Services 2024 All Rights Reserverd.
Contact Us
09 413 5027A1, 17 Corinthian Drive Albany, Auckland 0632
Po Box 300214, Albany,
Auckland 0752